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Auto Services

Auto Service

  • Air Conditioning Repair in London, ON

    Heating and A/C ought to be checked seasonally to keep your car comfortable. Arrow Auto offers quality auto A/C repair services.

  • Air Filters in London, ON

    Air filters should be changed nearly every 3,000 – 15,000 miles, or perhaps with your oil change. Mud and debris can hurt engine elements, slow functionality, as well as prevent air flow in the cabin. Let Arrow Auto in London, ON take care of your air filter replacement today!

  • Auto Detailing in London, ON

    The special care and attention we give your vehicle may take a bit longer than at other shops, but rest assured, our service and quality can’t be beat!

  • Batteries in London, ON

    Batteries ought to be examined and sustained to guarantee the performance of your automobile’s electric system. Visit Arrow Auto for batteries and battery replacement in London, ON.

  • Batteries and Electrical System in London, ON

    Let’s face it: you can have the most meticulously maintained vehicle on the road, but it won’t start without the right battery – properly installed and appropriately fitted – for your driving needs. From ignition to door locks, your car battery allows you to get from point “A” to point “B.”

  • Belts and Hoses in London, ON

    Routine replacement of belts and hoses can save time and money over the life of your automobile. Arrow Auto has good quality belts and hoses which are effortlessly installed in your vehicle, as well as many other auto repair services in London, ON at reasonable prices!

  • Brake Repair in London, ON

    Regular examination is a important aspect to reliability, and durability of your brakes and brake pads.

  • Check Engine Light in London, ON

    Your Check Engine Light (CEL) warns you that your vehicle’s computer found a malfunctioning component in your emission control system.

  • Cooling System Repair in London, ON

    Cooling Systems reduce heat to help all other engine parts function properly. Get your Cooling System replaced today by Arrow Auto in London, ON.

  • Custom Accessories in London, ON

    Customize your vehicle with cool accessories. Whether it’s for your interior or exterior, we have something for everyone. When it comes to detailing,

  • Custom Wheels / Rims in London, ON

    Want to make your vehicle stand out and perform better? Enhance your ride with custom wheels. The wheels you choose depend on your vehicle’s use and driving conditions. For instance, you can increase the size of your wheels for off-road driving or add spinning rims for cruising around town. No matter your needs, talk to our professionals and we will give you custom wheel options.

  • Driveline Repair in London, ON

    Drivelines maintain your car operating properly when appropriately maintained. Visit Arrow Auto for quality, competitive driveline repair in London, ON.

  • Drive Clean Emission Test in London, ON

    Environmental concerns such as air pollution make vehicle emission testing common. Help reduce air pollution and the problems it causes with emissions testing. Typically vehicles that give off lower emissions are more efficient, last longer, and help you save money in the long-run.

  • Electrical Service in London, ON

    Your vehicle depends on a properly working electrical system. Four main parts make up this system, and they must work together effectively.

  • Engine Diagnostics in London, ON

    Today’s vehicles are equipped with highly sophisticated electronic engine control systems. The computer receives information from a network of sensors and switches that tells your ignition, fuel and emission control systems what to do.

  • Engine Repair in London, ON

    When the Check Engine Light turns on, or at the very first indicator of engine problems, Arrow Auto may run a complete engine diagnostics examination, and take care of your engine repair.

  • Financing in London, ON

    You rely daily on your vehicle. No matter what your credit history is. In today’s challenging economy, many customers may have past credit problems, may not be able to establish credit, or planning to make a large purchase that will need financing in the near future .

  • Fleet Services in London, ON

    Arrow Auto provides a comprehensive maintenance program that addresses all aspects of fleet vehicle repairs, including preventive maintenance. We offer a broad range of fleet management services to meet each client’s changing needs.

  • Front End in London, ON

    Have you recently been in a crash or a fender-bender? Believe us, we have seen it all and can honestly say we are front-end collision experts.

  • Fuel Injection Service in London, ON

    If it has been a year or 25,000 Kms, your engine could have already built up deposits. Dirt, varnish build-up, corrosion and carbon deposits restrict the flow of air and fuel to your engine. This happens with all fuel-injected vehicles.

  • Fuel System Service in London, ON

    Your vehicle’s fuel system must be maintained to perform efficiently and keep emissions low. In many cases, your fuel system clogs as it wears out.

  • General Repair in London, ON

    Having issues with your vehicle? Bring it by our shop as soon as possible and we will diagnose the problem(s) for you.

  • Lift Kits in London, ON

    You see them all the time: Light trucks, Sport Utility Vehicles, Jeeps, and more, coasting down the highway, sitting atop towering truck suspension lift kits and sporting a set of tires so big that a person could live in them.

  • Muffler Repair in London, ON

    Need to pass your emissions testing? Arrow Auto provides exhaust system examination, and muffler repair work in London, ON.

  • Nitrogen in London, ON

    Do you feel like you are constantly inflating and re-inflating your tires? Nitrogen is now available for passenger cars and light trucks. Oxygen escapes quickly through tire rubber; nitrogen escapes 20-30% slower.  Keep your tires inflated with nitrogen.

  • Oil Changes in London, ON

    Oil and filters need to be changed every 3,000 to 5,000 miles. Get your next oil change in London, ON today with Arrow Auto!

  • Other Services in London, ON

    We offer a wide array of automotive services and it would be nearly impossible for us to list every single service.

  • Performance Parts in London, ON

    Customize your vehicle with cool accessories. Whether it’s for your interior or exterior, we have something for everyone.

  • Preventative Maintenance in London, ON

    Bringing your vehicle to us for regular service is the best way for you to save money on automotive costs and save time on easily avoidable mechanical problems.

  • Radiators in London, ON

    Have you ever had a cold or the flu and you’ve spiked a fever, causing your temperature to rise? It’s not fun to feel that way, is it? Being sick and overheated causes a person to be tired, and their performance drops significantly.

  • Rust Protection in London, ON

    This advanced rust protection coating is applied to the vehicle. Key areas are sprayed. No holes drilled! Factory access ports built into the vehicle are used to apply the rust prevention product, it is a permanent no-drip Rust Proofing for new vehicles Applied by the authorized applicator. Will not void car warranty.

  • Smog Check in London, ON

    Are you due for a smog check? Bring your vehicle in to our station to get a smog check today. We are a licensed station that takes pride in thorough inspections. We will send you back on the road legally approved. If your vehicle needs other repairs to meet state regulations, we’ll recommend them.

  • Suspension Repair in London, ON

    Steering and Suspension must be examined yearly to prevent safety issues. Arrow Auto offers quality affordable suspension repair, steering repair, car wheel alignment services in London, ON.

  • Tire Balancing in London, ON

    Tire Balancing must be performed every 4,000 – 6,000 miles for the life of your tires. Arrow Auto offers quality, affordable Tire Balancing in London, ON at Arrow Auto.

  • Tire Installation in London, ON

    The life expectancy of a tire depends on road conditions, driving habits, use, and tire. Tires must be replaced at the very least every 6 years. Arrow Auto offers quality affordable Tire Installation in London, ON.

  • Tire Repair in London, ON

    Flat Tires can allow the rim of the wheel to relax on the tire tread or on the ground, potentially create a blowout or a loss of control of the car or irreparable damage to the tire. Arrow Auto do quick high quality flat tire repair. Come see us for your next flat tire repair in London, ON!

  • Tire Rotation in London, ON

    Proper Tire Rotation helps promote even wear to your tires, extending their life, and improving safety. Arrow Auto offers quality affordable Tire Rotation in London, ON

  • Tire Retreading in London, ON

    Save money with our tire retreading system. Simply put, we select and inspect worn tires and give them new treads. Besides the money you save, you help the environment by recycling your tires. For instance, some tires can be retreaded up to ten times. The rubber from the retreads is shredded to make rubber mulch. Also, retreading uses significantly less oil than it takes to create a new tire.

  • Transmission Repair in London, ON

    Transmission Fluid must be flushed and the filter changed every 30,000 miles to prevent usual transmission issues. Arrow Auto supplies top-notch affordable Transmission Repair in London, ON.

  • Transmission Rebuilding in London, ON

    Your vehicle’s transmission is a device that is connected to the back of the engine and sends power from the engine to the wheels. It allows you to easily shift your vehicle into drive, park, or reverse.

  • TPMS Service in London, ON

    What is a Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)? A Tire Pressure Monitoring System is a safety device that measures, identifies and warns the driver when one or more tires is significantly under-inflated.

  • Tune Up in London, ON

    Tune-ups can extend the life of your vehicle and decrease the need to replace engine parts that are vulnerable to wear and tear. Arrow Auto offers top-notch affordable Tune ups in London, ON.

  • Vehicle Inspection in London, ON

    Looking to buy or sell a vehicle? Give yourself peace of mind; get it inspected. In general, we suggest you get your vehicle inspected at least once every two years.

  • Windshield Wiper Blades in London, ON

    To maintain a high level of safety in adverse driving conditions, regularly evaluate and change your wiper blades. Arrow Auto delivers top quality affordable Windshield Wiper Blades in London, ON.